They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.
Acts 2:42
God created us for community. It is His desire for us to build deep, Godly friendships through the church. Our Life Groups provide the opportunity for you to get together with other believers, have fun and study the Bible.

Need Help Dealing with Grief?
A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
Led by Joel Stavely
6-8:30 pm
Room 141 ( Library)

Adult Sunday Morning Life Groups
9:30 am Every Sunday at First Assembly Memphis
Cross Training
Friendship, acceptance and purpose to strengthen your relationship with God and encouragement to navigate life to please God.
Led by Pastor David and Robin Cross
Dining Hall
Led by Pastor David and Robin Cross
Dining Hall
The Source
Recognizing the Bible as the source of all truth
Led by Pastor Eddie and Jeannie Thompson
Led by Pastor Eddie and Jeannie Thompson
A to Z
In depth study of God’s word and how it applies to life “A to Z” All ages are welcome to join this weekly journey in becoming a stronger believer in Christ.
Led by Randy and Ellen DiGirolamo
Room 116
Led by Randy and Ellen DiGirolamo
Room 116
Rock Solid Families
Equipping parents to build strong families in a challenging world. Relevant Biblical study each Sunday and support from class members throughout the week.
Led by Pastor and Sandy Lindberg
Room A112 / Middle School Room
Led by Pastor and Sandy Lindberg
Room A112 / Middle School Room
The Bridge
Weekly study into challenging passages in Gods Word.
Led by Ray Talley
Led by Ray Talley
Wednesday Evening Life Groups
6:30 pm Wednesdays
The Journey
A young couples group that worships, fellowships, and shares life together following the teachings of the Bible.
Led by Jared & Amy Wootton
Room 144
Led by Jared & Amy Wootton
Room 144
Women of the Word
The Women's Ministries of First Assembly meets each Wednesday evening and Thursday morning to worship, pray, fellowship and study the Bible.
Led by Pastor Wanda Talley
Room 116
Led by Pastor Wanda Talley
Room 116
Men's Fraternity
The Men's Ministry of First Assembly meets each Wednesday evening to worship, pray, fellowship and study the Bible.
Led by Pastor Eddie Thompson
Church Dining Room
Led by Pastor Eddie Thompson
Church Dining Room
Midweek and Monthly Groups
Mother's Uniquely Mentored
MUMs is a bi-monthly ministry dedicated to inspiring, refreshing, and affirming mothers of preschool and school aged children.
Prime Time Cruzers
Monthly fellowship meetings for senior adults (55 and older) with special musical guests and a delicious dinner
Led by Virginia Sanders (417-848-5571)
Third Monday of each month
5:30 pm // Dining Hall
Led by Virginia Sanders (417-848-5571)
Third Monday of each month
5:30 pm // Dining Hall
Grief Share
Weekly support group for those who are grieving
the loss of a loved one.
Led by Joel Stavely
6-8:00 pm
13 week course
Room 141 (Library) // Childcare provided.
the loss of a loved one.
Led by Joel Stavely
6-8:00 pm
13 week course
Room 141 (Library) // Childcare provided.
Video support group for those who have recently gone through divorce or separated.