VBS is Coming!
Wonder Junction VBS is coming to FA Kids!
June 4-6 from 5:30 - 8:30pm. It's not too early to sign up. Simply scan the QR code below or click the REGISTER button.
June 4-6 from 5:30 - 8:30pm. It's not too early to sign up. Simply scan the QR code below or click the REGISTER button.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We are committed to connecting a new generation with Jesus Christ! The mission of FA Kids is to help children grow closer to God (Psalm 73:28) and understand God’s plan for their lives (Jeremiah 29:11). We offer engaging, fun, life-changing ministries for your elementary-aged child. All of our classes are taught by experienced, Spirit-filled teachers and leaders, and every service and meeting is an opportunity for your child to draw closer to Jesus!

Join the Fun
Sunday School
Sundays at 9:30 am
FA Kids Church
Sundays at 10:30 am / FA KidsZone K-5
Wednesday Evening Activities
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Nursery: Birth-2 yo
Rainbows: 3-5 yo (preschool)
Girls Ministries Clubs: K-5
Royal Rangers Boys Ministry: K-5
Nursery: Birth-2 yo
Rainbows: 3-5 yo (preschool)
Girls Ministries Clubs: K-5
Royal Rangers Boys Ministry: K-5
Junior Bible Quiz (JBQ)
Wednesdays at 5:30
Room 263
Room 263
Nursery and Preschool
We love your babies at First Assembly Memphis! Nursery and preschool classes are provided during all services for children 6 weeks through age 5. With a secure check-in system, you can be sure that your children are learning about God in a safe, caring environment. Each class includes a wide variety of playtime activities, a Bible story-time and songs appropriate for each age group. We know that you are never too young to begin learning about and experiencing the love of Jesus.